



:Pac Vac









  •  Fix Fast Cleaning Equipment has been operating for 15 years providing services to a range of small business and large companies.
  • Services range from repairs to all types of vacuums, polishers, pressure washers and  extraction units.
  • Having over 35 years experience we understand the business philosophy that " time means money " and having non functioning equipment and general down -time is inefficient for your company.
  • We operate from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm and can operate outside normal business hours for your convenience by special arrangement.
  • Fix Fast Cleaning Equipment is able to visit your premises or cleaning sites for repairs and testing/tagging.
  • Fix Fast operates with low overheads thus charge very competitive rates.
  • Ask for Angelo owner and operator of Fix Fast.
  • Ducted vacuum repairs Melbourne 
  • Domestic Vacuum repairs


                                            fix fast so your machines keep cleaning